Monday, October 28, 2013

Action C3: Replication of DVDs and their distribution

The authoring and replication of 20,000 DVDs;

forming as part of the communications tender that is being undertaken by MPS Ltd. These informative DVDs are based on information that was provided by the InfoNitrates trainers and by the Nitrates Unit. Filming of farmers, breeders, agricultural landscape and trainers working on the project was all coordinated by InfoNitrates trainers together with the filming staff at MPS. The 20-minute audiovisual DVD explains the InfoNitrates project, the effects of nitrates, the role of farmers and breeders, as well as farmers’ obligations under the Nitrates Action Plan. Dr Mario Spiteri, Director General Rural Development and Aquaculture, and Dr Justin Zahra, Director of Agriculture, were interviewed and feature in the DVD explaining the effects of nitrates and the purpose of the project respectively. These DVDs are being disseminated together with Informative brochures at Village Meetings, at the Front Office in Pitkali Market at Ta’ Qali as well as in various rural local councils around Malta and Gozo.

Action B2: Course for trainers

The first course for trainers was held in November 2012 for the four (4) trainers that were engaged in 2012. A more intensive course was delivered to all thirteen (13) trainers between 5th and 14th February 2013. This course was aimed at transferring the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills in order to deliver the campaign’s key messages to the target audience. The course was held in collaboration with the Directorate of Agriculture, the Veterinary Department and the Control Unit at the Paying Agency over a period of one week at the project premises. Moreover, trainers were given practical soil sampling training in the field as well as soil analysis demonstration in the lab prior to their proper engagement on the field. At the end of the training sessions, a short exam was held to assess the trainer’s knowledge on the nitrates directive, soil analysis, animal welfare issues, cross compliance as well as health and safety issues. In this exam, that was held on 15th February 2013, Trainers obtained marks that varied between 68% and 96%, with an average of 85%.

Action C5: Outdoor Campaign

The Outdoor campaign in the form of twenty-nine (29) village meetings was delivered in the months of May, June, September and October so as to avoid assembling people under tents in the hot summer months of July and August. The format of these village meetings involved the setting up of a 4metre by 4metre tent with 25 chairs, a 50-inch TV with DVD player on a stand and two InfoNitrates banners. InfoNitrates Trainers had the responsibility to organise these meetings by inviting farmers and breeders for a meeting in their home village. Two (2) trainers delivered these events by presenting the project, showing the DVD and discussing the way forward with their audience, apart from answering any technical questions that arise. This action included also the presence of InfoNitrates tent in a national fair, which was chosen to be at the MCAST Agribusiness open weekend on 1st and 2nd June 2013. The village meetings organised by InfoNitrates campaign were the following:

Żebbuġ Gozo
Ta’ Qali
San Pawl il-Baħar

Action C2: Printing of informative brochures and their distribution

The design and printing of 20,000 informative brochures was completed by MPS in collaboration with the InfoNitrates trainers and the Directorate of Agriculture. The content within the brochure was assembled by trainers and vetted by the Nitrates Unit and the Director of Agriculture. These informative brochures are being distributed to farmers and livestock breeders in village meetings during which an explanation of the project is delivered by trainers. Two hundred (200) brochures were printed in English, some of which were distributed in the national fair at the MCAST Agribusiness open weekend on 1st and 2nd June 2013. All the 20,000 brochures were delivered by MPS to the InfoNitrates office on 29th May 2013. This brochure is also being disseminated at the Front Office in Pitkali Market at Ta’ Qali as well as in various rural local councils around Malta and Gozo.

Action B1: Setting up of stakeholders’ forum

A stakeholders’ forum was set up and the first meeting took place on 30th July 2012. The most relevant and largest farming co-operatives were identified and chosen to form part of the forum. The role of the forum was to express its views on any aspect of the project so that the project’s objectives are reached in an effective manner. In addition, any suggestions submitted by the stakeholders related to the project were considered by the project management team. Another stakeholders’ meeting took place in Government Farm at Xewkija with farmers and the livestock sector in Gozo on 28th June 2013. This meeting followed up on the project launch and the village meetings which took place in six localities in Gozo. This forum is serving as a platform where the project deliverables are discussed with the representatives of the main stakeholders, namely farmer and breeder associations. A meeting for the same stakeholders is planned for February, 2014 in Malta to discuss the way forward with project following a six month project extension.

Action C6: Freephone Service

A freephone service has been set up to cater for any queries that farmers and livestock breeders may have with respect to the information relayed by InfoNitrates project or on the Nitrates Action Plan. The freephone service started on 15th February 2013 by informing the farmers and breeders of the service via an SMS. Farmers were again notified by another SMS on 20th May 2013 and are being informed during village meetings and on the informative brochure as well as DVD. The freephone number, which is 80074441, is being widely used on queries related on the project technicalities, on obligations of farmers on the storage, as well as on the proper way to apply nitrates.

One of the Trainers on freephone service

Action C1: Devise a Communication Strategy

MPS Marketing Communications Ltd, the company that was awarded the tender ‘Communications and Information Campaign’, formulated the communication strategy that was presented to the project leader as part of its role in delivering the communication campaign. This strategy is being put into practice by the publication of brochures and DVDs that are being distributed to farmers and breeders. An InfoNitrates logo was also developed, representing the soil, groundwater, a water drop and a plant with the very good sign representing good practice. 

This logo was used in all the promotional material including the brochures, DVDs, roll-up banners
 and information boards, as well as in official documents such as attendance sheets used in village meetings

Action C4: Official launch of campaign

A soft launch of the campaign was carried out on 16th December 2012. Nevertheless, an official launch was delivered in the Xewkija Experimental Farm in Gozo on 15th May 2013, followed by a replica in the Żebbiegħ square in Imġarr, Malta on 21st May 2013.

InfoNitrates Communication Campaign Launch in the Żebbiegħ square in Imġarr. 

Registering for the Malta campaign launch

InfoNitrates campaign launch in Malta; Zebbiegh, 21st May 2013.

Dr. Justin Zahra, Dr. Mario Spiteri and Mr. Eman Vella addressing the farmers at the Malta Launch on the 21st May 2013.

The Venue of the Malta launch at Zebbiegh square in Imgarr.

 Trainers Discussing the Nitrates Action Programme at the Malta campaign launch

 The Venue of the Malta launch at Zebbiegh square in Imgarr.

These two launches were delivered in line with the requirements of the grant agreement as reflected in the communications tender. A 10metre by 10metre tent was used, a projector was set up for the viewing of the DVD, registration of attendees was carried out at the start of the event, food was provided, various representatives of authorities were invited, informative brochures were delivered to all present and the Gozo event featured in the local media;


(The Malta Independent Online)

Gozo campaign on the proper use & management of Nitrates
(Gozo News)


(The Malta Independent Online)


(Malta Today)



InfoNitrates Communication Campaign Launch in Gozo

InfoNitrates Trainers at Xewkija Launch, 15th May, 2013

Attendees at Xewkija InfoNitrates Campaign Launch, 15th May, 2013

Dr. Justin Zahra (Director of Agriculture) and Mr. Eman Vella (Project Manager), 15th May, 2013

Xewkija Campaign Launch on 15th May, 2013

Trainers Discussing the Nitrates Action Program at Xewkija Launch, 15th May, 2013

Trainers Discussing the Nitrates Action Program at Xewkija Launch, 15th May, 2013.

Both events were well attended and the feedback was positive from all the stakeholders. The latter were invited to use the freephone service for any query and follow-up with the InfoNitrates team. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Action A5: Networking Activities

Three organisations had been contacted for the project’s networking activities, namely the Italian Centro Richerche Produzione Animali (CRPA), the German LIFE+ project WagriCo, and the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The InfoNitrates networking activities related with Action A5 are the following:

Italian Centro Richerche Produzione Animali , Italy 19-22 November 2012 

Ploughing Implement mounted on a tractor. 

Dairy farm, Azienda Pinotti in Pizzighettone


Manure Separator 

Oldenburg, Germany 21-22 August 2013 

Chamber of Agriculture of Oldenburg, Germany

Biogas Plant

Machinery Used for Sludge Integration in Soil

More Machinery Used for Sludge Integration in Soil

Maize Trails

Wheat and Maize Trails

Wheat Trails

Malta for German and Italian partners, 18-19 September 2013 

Volcani Centre, Israel 2-3 October 2013 

Agriculture Research Organization, Volcani Centre

Nutrient absorption tests on Eucalyptus trees using 220L tanks.

Lysimeter inserted in avocado tree trunk to measure the nutrient uptake by the tree.

Nutrient flow experiment on avocado trees using 1000L tanks using; lysimeters and scales.

Outdoor shed containing record systems.

Fertigation system used in avocado experimental site.

Open air avocado experimental site.

Tensionometer used to measure water content in soil under avocado trees

Stand alone data logging system.

Standalone fertigation system used for accurate application of nutrients in avocado plantation.

Small scale desalination plant used in a banana plantation in the plain surrounding the Sea of Galilee.

Banana plantation in the plain surrounding the Sea of Galilee.

Malta for Israeli partners, 8-9 October 2013

InfoNitrates conference held in Malta on the 8th of October, 2013.

Closing Conference for all partners, 30 May 2014

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Action A4: After LIFE Communication Plan

An After-LIFE communication plan will be drawn up prior to the end of the project and submitted to the Commission as part of the final report. The Communications plan will be drafted by project deadline and submitted to the European Commission together with the final report within two months.

Action A3: External Audit

An audit by an independent external auditor will be carried out on the financial statements provided to the Commission in the final project report. This audit will verify the respect of national legislation and accounting rules and certify that all costs incurred are in accordance with the LIFE+ Common Provisions. The external auditor will be appointed later in 2013 and the auditor’s report will be drawn up two months after project deadline. Following approval of the six-month project prolongation by EU Commission, this audit is planned to be concluded by September 2014.

Action A2: Monitoring of Project Progress

The Internal Audit Services provider, Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), presented an internal control procedure manual identifying the monitoring tools to be used for the project in February 2013. This was followed by an internal audit in March 2013, a second one in June 2013 and another one in October 2013. Following approval of the six-month project prolongation by EU Commission, another internal audit is planned for May 2014.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Action A1: Project Management

Project Management Hierarchy 

Action A1: Project Management
Action A3: External Audit

Action D1: Training Sessions
Action D2: Training / Educational Sessions

Action E1: Evaluation of Campaign
Action E2: Evaluation of the Impact on Gross Nitrogen Balance (GNB)
Action E3: Evaluation of Livestock Breeders

Action F1: Project Website
Action F2: LIFE+ Information Boards
Action F3: Layman’s Report
Action F4: Closing Conference