Monday, October 28, 2013

Action C4: Official launch of campaign

A soft launch of the campaign was carried out on 16th December 2012. Nevertheless, an official launch was delivered in the Xewkija Experimental Farm in Gozo on 15th May 2013, followed by a replica in the Żebbiegħ square in Imġarr, Malta on 21st May 2013.

InfoNitrates Communication Campaign Launch in the Żebbiegħ square in Imġarr. 

Registering for the Malta campaign launch

InfoNitrates campaign launch in Malta; Zebbiegh, 21st May 2013.

Dr. Justin Zahra, Dr. Mario Spiteri and Mr. Eman Vella addressing the farmers at the Malta Launch on the 21st May 2013.

The Venue of the Malta launch at Zebbiegh square in Imgarr.

 Trainers Discussing the Nitrates Action Programme at the Malta campaign launch

 The Venue of the Malta launch at Zebbiegh square in Imgarr.

These two launches were delivered in line with the requirements of the grant agreement as reflected in the communications tender. A 10metre by 10metre tent was used, a projector was set up for the viewing of the DVD, registration of attendees was carried out at the start of the event, food was provided, various representatives of authorities were invited, informative brochures were delivered to all present and the Gozo event featured in the local media;


(The Malta Independent Online)

Gozo campaign on the proper use & management of Nitrates
(Gozo News)


(The Malta Independent Online)


(Malta Today)



InfoNitrates Communication Campaign Launch in Gozo

InfoNitrates Trainers at Xewkija Launch, 15th May, 2013

Attendees at Xewkija InfoNitrates Campaign Launch, 15th May, 2013

Dr. Justin Zahra (Director of Agriculture) and Mr. Eman Vella (Project Manager), 15th May, 2013

Xewkija Campaign Launch on 15th May, 2013

Trainers Discussing the Nitrates Action Program at Xewkija Launch, 15th May, 2013

Trainers Discussing the Nitrates Action Program at Xewkija Launch, 15th May, 2013.

Both events were well attended and the feedback was positive from all the stakeholders. The latter were invited to use the freephone service for any query and follow-up with the InfoNitrates team. 

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